I have also been trying to promote my blog more, I shamelessly mention it whenever I have he chance! Although I have been seeking out other people's blogs and adding their links to mine. I think this is a really good way of networking. I feel it's likely that they will mention my blog to others if I tell them that I have added their link. Well I would hope so anyway, and if it doesn't then it is a good way for me to bulk up my potential feature article pool.
I have been extremely lazy with my creating of jewelry, I am hoping to get into this today, I have heaps of ideas rollig around in my head and really want to get them out. It has been really cold and this has put me off I think, cold fingers don't like fiddling with wire! Also I like to spread out when I'm building and I don't like to spread out when I'm cold!
Another exciting thing that has happened is that a 'stranger' commented on this bracelet of mine that I have pictured on Facebook.
I have pointed her in the direction of http://flickr.com/photos/tracylacytrinkets due to the fact that it has more and much better photos of my things on there.
This has prompted me to update my Facebook photos now though, as I get alot of exposure to my existing friends through Facebook. I feel like I can get around the issue of feeling like I'm soliciting to my friends.
I am really looking forward to getting involved with EtsyBloggers. Although I already had plans to do feature articles. I was intending on doing this primarily with jewelry makers and suppliers. Now I will hopefully have the chance to look at other creations and creators.
I have decided to up my prices on my items in order to see whether it makes any difference. After reading some article on Etsy I feel like I was previously seriously 'undervaluing my craft' as it is called. I don't seem to have seen a difference as yet, but I haven't added any new items for a while so I haven't expected that I would have any extra exposure recently.
I am currently in the process of searching for a feature artists. Hopefully I will have that finished later today - if I can fit in around everything that I have planned for today.
So, here are my plans:
- search for a feature artist
-dix my Facebook photos
-promote my blog in http://www.beadingforum.com.au/forums/index.php
-I also plan to look for inspiration outside my normal sources.
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