Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Homemaking

Yesterday I had the greatest day at home. We had our first really hot day that I didn't have to work so I spent it outside. I went great guns in the garden - the front of our house is looking very pretty with pink and purple azaleas. I have also planted some nice petunas which will flower soon, I have gotten rid of all the weeds so the front garden is looking very pretty.

Out the back I have planted a lemon tree, some strawberries (which I'm very excited about because I can tell they are going to give me an excellent harvest) and some parsley.

So I have been a busy girl - only problem is that I seem to be coming more distracted away from Etsy everyday.

On a good Etsy note, I got a treasury today, I was lucky enough to bring up the Treasury West page about 2 minutes before it opened - very lucky, so here is a screen shot of my chocolaty goodness:I think I am having a particularly chocolatey theme going on here - Chocolate Caramel Slice yesterday and a chocolate treasury today.

1 comment:

indidi said...

loved your post...I love chocolate and strawberries!
I have just been tagged by vanillapixie so I am now tagging 6 other etsy artists. Check out my blog to see 6 things...